Inbjudan till webbinarium, The missing half: Why women’s
participation is key to democracy in the Eastern Partnership Region,
online den 5 december mellan klockan 10.00-11.30.
Organiserat av Winnet Sverige tillsammans
med ForumCiv, som en del av EaP-nätverket.
Webbinariet kommer hållas på engelska. Program, se nedan.
The missing half: Why women’s participation is
key to democracy in the Eastern Partnership Region

Join us in a thought-provoking discussion on the essential role of women in
strengthening democracy within the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region, with a
particular focus on Armenia and Ukraine. This session will delve into the
successes and challenges faced by these countries in advancing women’s
political representation and explore effective strategies for building inclusive
and resilient democracies.
Event details
Date: 5th December 2024
Time: 10:00–11:30 (CET)
Format: Webinar with live streaming on YouTube and LinkedIn
What we’ll cover:
The role of women in democracy
Discover why equal participation of women is essential to fostering
democratic development and achieving gender equality across the
EaP region.
Swedish Support for Gender Equality
Learn about Sweden’s role in supporting gender equality in the EaP,
with a focus on Armenia and Ukraine, and how this partnership
contributes to democratic resilience.
EU efforts on gender prioritization
Explore how the EU addresses gender equality, discussing strategies
for making it a core component of policies and action plans.
The role of civil society in Armenia and Ukraine
Hear from civil society leaders on the ground working to enhance
women’s political participation, aiming for greater representation at
all levels of government.
Opening and welcome Christina Johannesson, Swedish Ambassador for the EaP
Introduction Anh Helge, EaP Network/ForumCiv, and Britt-Marie S Torstensson,
Winnet Sweden
Moderator To be confirmed
Christina Johannesson, Swedish Ambassador for the EaP
Lena Karlsson, Gender Equality EaP, DG NEAR
Oksana Huz, ST/ Union to Union, Ukraine
Patrik Svensson, Swedish Ambassador to Armenia
Ruzanna Torozyan, President of Winnet Armenia
Anna Aghadjanian, Ambassador of Armenia to Sweden
About the Organizers
This webinar is organized by ForumCiv and Winnet Sweden as part of the
EaP Network.
Gender equality is a core EU value and a fundamental human right,
essential to democracy, economic growth, and social well-being. It strengthens
governance, peace, and security. Through the Partnership for Good Governance,
the EU supports women’s access to justice, empowering legal professionals to
provide gender-sensitive justice without discrimination.
This includes promoting the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention and reinforcing
gender standards across EaP countries. With the EU Gender Action Plan III and
the NDICI financial tool, the EU ensures that at least 85% of its external actions
prioritize gender equality.
Through its agenda for recovery, resilience, and reform, the EU supports EaP
countries in advancing gender equality across policies, promoting equal access
to resources through gender mainstreaming and responsive budgeting. For more
information on EU support for gender equality in the Eastern Neighbourhood,
please visit: EU Neighbours East.